
If your institution uses OpenAthens for remote access, then OpenAthens access can be enabled on your Sage Journals account. 

To enable OpenAthens on your account, you will need the following:

  • Entity ID
  • Organisation/Unit ID (optional)

How do I set up OpenAthens?

To add OpenAthens details to your institution's Sage Journals account:

  1. Log in as account administrator on the Sage Journals platform
  2. Select Access / Profile > View profile 
  3. Under the Institutional profile section, select  Shibboleth / OpenAthens from the left-hand menu
  4. On the Shibboleth / OpenAthens page: 
    • Add your OpenAthens Entity ID 
    • Add the Organization ID if required
    • Select the Update button

Further Information

For details on how to create a Sage Journals WAYFless (Where are you From) URL for your institution, please refer to How do I create an OpenAthens WAYFless URL?

For further assistance, please contact