Yes, Sage Journals is COUNTER compliant. 

COUNTER 5 data is available from January 2019 onward, and COUNTER 4 reports continue to be available during this transitional period. 

If you are an account admin for Sage Journals, you can now download your COUNTER 5 reports within the Administrator interface. 

On the Literatum platform, Atypon will continue to host COUNTER Release 4 reporting for SAGE Journals content until Q2 2019. At that time, they will re-evaluate the need for R4 reporting beyond this time. On SecureCenter, we will continue to host R4 reporting for Sage's Library resource’s through December 2019. We will evaluate the need for R4 reporting in 2020 at this time. COUNTER required dual hosting of R4 and R5 reporting through April 2019; all R4 reporting must be retired by January 2021.