- Do you allow text and data mining?
- Where do I find help with the API set up?
- Is text and data mining for commercial purposes permitted?
- Contact Information
It is part of Sage's vision to disseminate teaching and research materials on a global scale, by combining quality and innovation and by actively responding to the needs of the academic and educational community. We believe in this vision whether you choose to read our content or mine it for information.
Do you allow text and data mining?
Downloading articles from Sage Journals for the purposes of text and data mining (TDM) is permitted in our standard licence agreements and in our Sage Journals terms and conditions for no extra fee. You do not need to ask Sage's permission to systematically download articles, provided that:
- You only use the articles for non-commercial text and data mining.
- You ask your university library's permission to remove the IPs used for the project from their institutional IP ranges, and let them know that no Sage Journals usage will accrue on those IPs while they are used for TDM purposes.
- You contact us at with the IPs needed for the project, along with an email from the library expressing their approval and understanding.
- You only download articles to which you have legitimate access, for example if they are Open Access or part of your institution's subscription. If you cannot view an article on Sage Journals, you will not be able to download it.
- You respect the following limits when downloading Sage Journals content:
- 1 request every 6 seconds – Monday to Friday between 12am and 12pm PT.
- 1 request every 2 seconds - Monday to Friday between 12am and 12pm PT.
You agree to the terms of use and re-use detailed in our Sage Journals Text and Data Mining License Agreement.
Where do I find help with the API set up?
Sage includes text and data mining license and full-text URL information via the CrossRef Public API. Guidance on using the CrossRef Public API is available in the Text and Data Mining for Researchers page on the Crossref website.
Is text and data mining for commercial purposes permitted?
For medical and life science content, please use the Copyright Clearance Center's RightFind XML for Mining.
For other subject areas, you can contact us at to request permission and access to our content.
Contact Information
Please contact with any additional questions and/or to begin the set up process.
If you have any further questions about the Crossref Public API, these should be directed to Crossref.