• Overview
    • How do I request hybrid Open Access (Sage Choice)?
    • Contact Information


Sage Choice offers authors the opportunity to make their manuscripts Open Access after acceptance for publication. The program allows authors to request Open Access either through ad hoc requests or by being eligible for an Open Access agreement. If an author is not eligible for an agreement, they can request that their article be made Open Access on an ad hoc basis.

Although Sage Choice is offered for the majority of subscription journals, there are a few journals that do not provide this option. There is a list of Sage Choice Journal and Pricing Exceptions on our website.

How do I request hybrid Open Access (Sage Choice)? 

  • To request Sage Choice, please send an email to once your article has been accepted for publication. Please provide the following details in your email: Article Title, Manuscript ID, Journal Name and Corresponding Author Name. 
    • Please note, we are not able to accept Sage Choice requests until after an article has been accepted. 
  • The Open Access Customer Services team will then initiate your request and create an offer in the Sage Open Access Portal. 
  • After this, you will receive an invitational email to access the Sage Open Access Portal, this will explain the steps required to make your article Open Access.
  • To gain access to the portal, use the link provided in the invitation email to either log in if you already have an account or create one if you are new to the Sage Open Access Portal.
  • You will then be asked to select and sign a Creative Commons license. This license grants readers permission to use, distribute, and build upon your work.
  • You will need to assign a bill payer for the Article Processing Charge (APC). The bill payer will then receive an invitation to accept this request and complete the payment process.
  • Upon completion of the APC payment, your article will be published Open Access, making it freely available to readers worldwide.

Contact Information