Green Open Access: Sage’s Archiving and Sharing Policy

You may share the Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript at any time after your paper is accepted and in any format. Sharing of the Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript may include posting a downloadable copy on any website, saving a copy in any repository or network, sharing a copy through any social media channel, and distributing print or electronic copies.

  • Original Submission: the version submitted by the author before peer review
  • Accepted Manuscript: version updated to include the author’s revisions after peer review, prior to any typesetting for the journal.  This is often the version accepted by the editor
  • Final Published PDF: copy-edited and typeset Publisher’s PDF, the same version published on the journal’s website

You may use the Final Published PDF (or Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript, if preferred) in the following ways:

  • in relation to your own teaching, provided that any electronic distribution maintains restricted access
  • to share on an individual basis with research colleagues, provided that such sharing is not for commercial purposes
  • in your dissertation or thesis, including where the dissertation or thesis will be posted in any electronic Institutional Repository or database
  • in a book authored or edited by you at any time after the Contribution’s publication in the journal.

Provided that:

  • Access to the Original Submission and Accepted Manuscript is provided at no charge.
  • Any re-use terms for users of websites and repositories (where your Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript is posted) are restricted to non-commercial and non-derivative uses.
  • You may not post the Final Published PDF on any unrestricted website or repository without permission from Sage.
  • You may not republish or translate any version of your Contribution in another journal without prior permission from Sage.
  • The journal as the original publication of your Contribution is appropriately credited by including the full citation information each time your Contribution, or excerpts, are further distributed or re-used:
    • After your Contribution has been accepted for publication and until it is assigned a DOI, please include a statement that your Contribution has been accepted for publication in the journal.
    • Once full citation information for your Contribution is available, please include this with your posted Contribution, in a format similar to the following:
      Author(s), Contribution Title, Journal Title (Journal Volume Number and Issue Number) pp. xx-xx. Copyright © [year] (Copyright Holder). DOI: [DOI number].

Please note that some journals have a different author reuse policy in place. Visit Sage's green open access policy to read in full.