
When your eBook package becomes active there may be some titles that aren't yet available to you and your patrons. This article provides possible explanations and guidance for this situation.

Why am I unable to access an eBook I have purchased?

Some of the titles on your package list have yet to be published. Please check the title against our Sage Reference and Academic Books or Sage Research Methods content lists. If the title doesn't appear on the list, it isn't published yet.

Some titles may show a padlock icon, indicating your institution isn't entitled to the eBook. This could mean:

  1. It is an older edition of an eBook, for which you have the newer edition.
  2. It is a title Sage no longer owns the rights to.

Contact Information

For further assistance, please contact our Online Technical Support team at Please include the following information in your correspondence for each eBook you are unable to access:

  • Title
  • Edition
  • Author