As this is a redesign of the site, there will be no impact on content, existing subscriptions, or customer access. However, please note the following: 

  • Holdings Report—this feature will be temporarily unavailable for approximately two to three months. You will receive an update once the Holdings Report feature becomes available in mid-late November. Usage reports and all other Account Administrator features will remain available  

  • Security improvements—as part of our ongoing efforts in this area, please be aware of the following: 
  • All institutional administrative functions will begin requiring two-factor authentication (2FA), with the exception of SUSHI report requests. 
  • Account Administrators’ rights will expire after 365 days of inactivity and will receive a notification within 30 days of their rights being removed. We encourage inactive Account Administrators to sign in in order to keep their account active. SUSHI report request activity will keep accounts active. 

Please contact Online Support ( if any assistance is required with your account.