There are several steps to configure Sage Catalyst:


1) You tell us where we can get your IDP metadata from. 

This might be from an authentication federation that you are a member of, or this might be a direct link that your authentication team can provide you with. 

 2) You can get our metadata from a number of different federations as we are members of EduGAIN.

Alternatively, you can download our metadata from the URL that is also our Entity ID.

3) Our Entity ID varies in different regions:

For EU and APAC, please click here

For North America and Canada, please click here.


4) You will need to release some attributes to our service provider: 

  •  A minimum of the eduPersonTargetedID.
  • You may also want to release some additional attributes to ensure consistent user experience when they use the textbook annotation platform powered by Talis Elevate. 

SAML Attribute Name in the eduPerson Object Class Specification

Talis Aspire Profile Field










Official documentation


Targeted ID

We are aware that in future versions ofeduPerson this will be deprecated. Transition information will be communicated at the appropriate time.

One of the following:



Official documentation 

First Name

The first or given name of the user

One of the following:




Official documentation 


The Family or Surname of the user

One of the following:



Official documentation  

Email Address

The email of the user.

If the SAML attribute names do not appear exactly as described above, then the value will not be included in the user's profile. Additional attributes may be mapped if required, but we would need to discuss this with your authentication team.