
You will be charged tax in accordance with the prevailing VAT rules and rates at the point of invoicing, but if you have a VAT number, or if you have a US state sales tax exemption, please see below. Please note that individuals cannot be tax exempted for individual orders. 

What should I do if I have a VAT number?

If your billing address is in a country which collects VAT, and if your business has a VAT number, please list your VAT number when entering your billing address information during checkout, as shown below.

example of the billing address screen where the VAT number field is located below the country field and next to the submit button

I have a VAT number, but it is not being accepted?

Please check or try the following:

  • Check that you have the correct billing address and country selected. 
  • Make sure you have removed any spaces or characters which are not alpha numeric. 
  • Add or remove your country's VAT prefix from your VAT number.

What if my billing address is in the United States and my organization is tax exempt from state sales tax?

Please contact Sage Online Technical Support at and please provide a copy of your organization's state tax exemption certificate. 

Contact Information

For further assistance, please contact our Online Technical Support team at