
Once a manuscript has been accepted through Peer Review, the authors will be provided with contributor forms to be filled out and returned. These forms serve to verify the authorship of the accepted manuscript. After this, if there is a request to change the corresponding author, add, or remove an author after this point, there may be a potential for the request to be deemed unethical and it is Sage's obligation to mitigate this risk. If you wish to modify the corresponding author, kindly follow the steps outlined below.

If you require additional clarification, kindly refer to the Authorship guidelines on our website.

Can I change the Corresponding Author?

  • Once your article has been accepted, please email your authorship change request to either the production team or the publication editor of the journal.
    • The journal's Editor contact information can be found in the Manuscript Submission Guidelines. To find this, visit the Sage Journals platform, search for the journal title, and go to the submission guidelines tab. The journal's Editor email address can be found in the last section of these guidelines.
    • Alternatively, please contact our production team at

  • If you notice that the corresponding author is incorrect after it has been submitted to the Sage Open Access Portal, please contact the Open Access Customer Services team at for assistance. 
  • Please note, we cannot change the corresponding author after article submission if the request is made to obtain the agreement discount based on a Open Access Agreement.
  • If you have finalized the APC payment for your article and would like to modify the corresponding author, kindly reach out to our production team via email. Please note that once APC payment has been received, alterations cannot be made to the paid invoice. However, if the production team approves the author change, the article will be published with the updated information but no changes will be made on the paid invoice.

Contact Information

For general author queries, please visit the Author FAQs in our Sage Journals Knowledge Base which contains answers to common questions.