
At Sage we have a number of journals that have page or publication charges, these are referred to as Pay to Publish charges. Page and publication charges are only charged on subscription journals. When submitting an article to a journal, the submissions page will highlight if the journal has any page or publication charges. 

Journals with Page or Publication Charges

Page Charges

Page charges are not very common, but still exist. Historically, page charges were introduced to cover the cost of printing an article. Page charges is a set price per published page incurred by authors, for instance $75 or $150 per page. The author guidelines will show the price per page that authors will incur, even though you may not receive the final invoice until the article is copyedited and typeset. Page charges will only be charged if the paper has undergone peer review and is accepted.

Publication Charges

Publication Charges is a set price per published article incurred by authors, for instance $775 per article. The author guidelines will show the price per page authors will incur, even though you may not receive the final invoice until the article is copyedited and typeset. Publication Charges will only be charged if the paper has undergone peer review and is accepted.

Colour Charges

Some journals charge authors to publish their images and figures in colour in the print edition. For instance, some Sage Publishing journals the first colour image is $800, and it is $200 for any additional colour images within the same contribution.

For more information on which journals apply these charges, please view Which Sage Journals have Pay to Publish Charges?