
As part of your institution's subscription to Sage Business Cases, your library may have set up access for Instructors to access to Teaching Notes. Please be sure you have the Instructor Verification Code to activate the Teaching Notes access. Your library will provide this code.

How do I activate Teaching Notes access for Sage Business Cases?

Step 1: Log in to your library portal

Objective: Authenticate to Sage Business Cases as a patron of your university library.


  • Navigate to your university library website
  • Find their list of library databases or e-resources
  • Open the Sage Business Cases link
  • Log in with your university credentials

Step 2: Create or log on to your Sage Knowledge profile

Objective: Create a profile and activate your Teaching Notes access.


  • Click the MY PROFILE button at top right 
  • Create a profile 
  • Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your profile

Step 3: Activate your Sage Business Cases Instructor Access 

Objective: Activate your Sage Business Cases Instructor Access with the code your librarian provided 

  • After your profile is saved, activate your Sage Business Cases Instructor Access with the code your librarian provided by entering the code into the Verification Code box, as shown in the screenshot below. 
  • Save your profile
  • Going forward, you'll have access to Teaching Notes when logged in to your library portal and your Sage Knowledge profile

Tips and Troubleshooting

After completing these steps, you'll have access to Sage Business Cases and Teaching Notes PDFs. Please remember, you'll need to log in to your library portal and your Sage Knowledge profile to access both.

Additional Resources

For more information about Sage Business Cases and Teaching Notes, please visit the Sage Business Cases trial page on our corporate website.

Contact Information

If you experience any issues with this process or have questions, please contact