
Sage Choice allows authors to transform their articles published in traditional subscription journals into Open Access format, thereby enabling wider access to their work. This article is an overview of when authors may request Hybrid Open Access, also known as Sage Choice. 

When can I request Sage Choice?

Authors can request Sage Choice once their article has been accepted for publication. 

  • We recommend that you make a request for Sage Choice after your article has entered the production system, as our Open Access Customer Service team is unable to process the request before this stage. 
  • For a seamless process, we suggest that you get in touch with the Open Access Customer Service team as soon as you receive an email from production. They will be able to initiate the Sage Choice request and send your article to the Sage Open Access Portal.
  • For further instruction, please view How do I request hybrid Open Access (Sage Choice)?
  • You are unable to request Sage Choice before your article has been accepted, please do not contact us before acceptance.

Authors can also request Sage Choice after their article has been published subscription. 

  • Authors who have published their work in a traditional subscription journal, can retrospectively make their article freely available to readers who would not otherwise have access*.
  • The Sage Choice option allows authors to comply with Open Access policies and increase the visibility and impact of their research. Therefore, if you have already published an article behind a paywall, you can still make it open access with Sage Choice. 
  • For further instruction, please view How do I request hybrid Open Access (Sage Choice)?

*Please note, there are some Sage journals that do not offer Sage Choice. These journals are listed on our website; Sage Choice Journal and Pricing Exceptions.

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