
The author is required to provide their funder details at the time of submission. However, if the author has failed to do so, they are able to change or update these details after acceptance of their article.

Can I change/update my funder details?

If your article has been accepted and you did not include the funder details, please contact the journal's Editor for assistance. 
  • The journal's Editor contact information can be found in the Manuscript Submission Guidelines. To find this, visit the Sage Journals platform, search for the journal title, and go to the submission guidelines tab. The journal's Editor email address can be found in the last section of these guidelines.  

If your article has entered the Sage Open Access Portal, the authors can contact our Open Access Customer Services team at Please include as much of the following information in your correspondence:
  • Manuscript ID
  • DOI
  • Article title
  • Funder name and ID
Please note, once an APC invoice has been paid we are unable to modify this document. Therefore, we kindly advise authors to ensure that any necessary changes are made before settling the invoice to avoid any inconvenience or delay in its processing. 

Contact Information

For further assistance, please contact the Open Access Customer Services team at