If the corresponding author's primary institution has an Open Access agreement with Sage, we will automatically recognize the article as eligible and apply the relevant discount/waiver. Once the article is accepted and enters production, authors will receive communication via the Sage Open Access Portal inviting them to accept the Open Access publication offer and select the appropriate Creative Commons license for their article. Authors do not need to take any action for their article to be made Open Access via their institution's agreement, they will be proactively contacted.
If your believe you are eligible for an Open Access agreement, your article has been accepted, it has entered production, but you have not received an email from the Sage Open Access Portal, please email Sage's Open Access Customer Services team at openaccess@sagepub.com. It might be that the corresponding author's secondary affiliation deems the article eligible and we have not automatically identified this. We will assess each article on a case-by-case basis and ensure the any discounts/waivers are appropriately applied.
Please note, if your article has not yet been accepted or not entered the production system, we cannot accurately determine its eligibility for one of Sage's Open Access agreements. Authors must wait until their article has been accepted and has entered Production before contacting the Open Access Customer Services team.
Further information
For more information on article and author eligibility for an Open Access agreement, please see Am I eligible for an Open Access agreement?
Please visit our website for more information on the specific terms and conditions of Sage's Open Access agreements.