
Sage Choice offers authors the opportunity to convert their articles from traditional subscription journals to Open Access format, expanding the accessibility of their work. By opting for Open Access, the article will become available to all readers worldwide. Authors can opt for Sage Choice after their article has been accepted for publication or even after it has been published under subscription.  

Can my article be made Open Access after being published subscription?


If your article has been published subscription in a Hybrid journal, you can request that it is published Open Access retrospectively, this is sometimes referred to as a retrospective Open Access request. Sage's Sage Choice option allows authors to publish articles Open Access in Hybrid journals. 

For further instruction, please see How do I request hybrid Open Access (Sage Choice)?

Please note, there are some Sage journals that do not offer Sage Choice, as they only publish via the subscription route. These journals are listed on our website; Sage Choice Journal and Pricing Exceptions.

Sage offers a variety of Open Access agreements in order to assist authors from diverse institutional backgrounds to publish Open Access. If you are eligible for one of these agreements, please be aware that it might have specific terms and conditions around Retrospective Open Access requests. To review these terms, please see the Open Access Agreements page on Sage's website.

Contact Information

If you require further assistance, please contact the Open Access Customer Services team at