If you wish to request a change to the authorship of your submission, please view the below information that applies to each stage of the publication process:
If the named authors for a manuscript change at any point between submission and acceptance, an Authorship Change Form must be completed and digitally signed by all authors (including any added or removed). For more information, please visit the Authorship Change Form page on our website.
If your article has been accepted, Sage does not permit changes to the author byline after a manuscript has been editorially accepted due to concerns around conflicts of interest and author contributions that are taken into account by the Editor and reviewers at the time of peer-review.
You were notified of this at the time of manuscript submission and this policy is available to view on Authorship Change Form page on our website.
If you have questions about this policy or would like to discuss this further, please contact our Research Integrity Team at publication_ethics@sagepub.com