Guidance for Reviewers

Where can I find guidance on how to approach a peer review?
Overview    Our free webinar series will guide you through conducting peer review, including how to get started, the basic principles of reviewing article...
Tue, 9 Jul, 2024 at 3:51 PM
How can I contact the Editor of a journal I have been asked to review for?
The journal's Editor or Publishing Editor contact information can be found in the last section of the Manuscript Submission Guidelines. To find this con...
Tue, 9 Jul, 2024 at 3:23 PM
What are Sage’s ethics and responsibility policies for reviewers?
TABLE OF CONTENTS Sage’s commitment to ethical peer review Your responsibilities as a reviewer Common ethical issues to be aware of when reviewing S...
Tue, 9 Jul, 2024 at 2:51 PM
How do I find out more about a journal I have been asked to review for?
Visit the journal’s homepage, where you will find the latest news and information about the journal, as well as abstracting and indexing information. You c...
Tue, 9 Jul, 2024 at 4:28 PM
How will I be invited to review a paper for a Sage journal?
Reviewers are invited to review papers by journal editors, either by using an online submission and peer review system or over e-mail.  Most Sage Journ...
Tue, 9 Jul, 2024 at 5:13 PM
How do I review a Plain Language Summary?
TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview What are Plain Language Summaries (PLS)? What is a PLS Reviewer? What should a PLS reviewer be looking out for? Why is i...
Tue, 9 Jul, 2024 at 4:23 PM
How do I review a Registered Report?
TABLE OF CONTENTS What are Registered Reports? How to review Stage 1 reports? How to review Stage 2 reports? References Note Registered Report Wor...
Tue, 9 Jul, 2024 at 4:26 PM
How do I use Sage Track as a reviewer?
TABLE OF CONTENTS What is Sage Track? How do I create an account in Sage Track? How do I review using Sage Track? Where can I find help using Sage Tra...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 2:30 PM