
Sage supports the distribution of publisher to agent (P2A) reports to subscriptions agents who submit their orders to us in an ICEDIS format. These are a mandatory and important aspect of subscription order management to ensure that our data is aligned to ensure the accurate and successful processing of our mutual customers renewal orders. This partnership helps us to achieve faster order processing times through reducing the automated rejection rate.

If you would like to submit your order in the industry standard ICEDIS format, please refer to How do I submit subscription agent orders through ICEDIS?

Can I request a publisher to agent (P2A) report?

Sage values the relationship that it has with our subscription agents, if you are unable to submit your orders through ICEDIS and would like to work with us to align your records please contact us and we can make alternative arrangements.

What is included in the report?

  • Journal title
  • Term dates and duration 
  • Product category type
  • Quantity
  • Shipping and end user addresses
  • Unique PID numbers

When are P2A reports sent?

P2A reports will automatically be sent to during the months of February to August. To receive automatic P2A reports, please provide a valid email address for updates.

Contact Information 

For Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, or Oceania, please email 

For North, Central or South America, please email