When an institution purchases content from Sage, you may need to return the agreement to Sage or you might be looking for a Sage representative to sign the agreement.

North, Central and South America

If you are using a signature service, such as DocuSign, and you are able to reassign the document, please reassign to agreementreview@sagepub.com. Sage will review the agreement and complete the required steps. 

If you are not using a signature service please email the agreement to agreementreview@sagepub.com and we will reassign it appropriately. 

Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania

An electronic license will be sent to you via DocuSign. If this has not already been signed by our legal team it will be countersigned after your signing is complete. This is an automatic process and you do not need to reallocate the document. If you have any queries, please email librarysupport@sagepub.co.uk